My Thanks

Written by Big Smile Staff

my thanks
Posted Mar 10, 2011, by ME.

First I would like to express that this is not an article. This is just me expressing my gratitude to the one thing that has never let me down, MUSIC. Everyone on this site loves music in some form or another. Some of us even go as far as creating our own music. We play guitar, bass, drums, vocals, make beats, write lyrics or even the unmentionable singing in the shower. Music affects our lives in so many ways, when we just don't know exactly how to express how we feel but you know a song or lyric that says what you just can't, that song that makes you want to create a better you or world, or just that song that puts you in an enjoyable mood. We all are affected by music and since I have a voice courtesy of I'd like to say Thank You!

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