Blessed Are The Peacemakers @ Studio 138
Blessed Are The Peacemakers, By Chad Sengstock @ Studio 138
Written Apr 5, 2011.
Studio 138 is a hair salon by day and will throw a few art shows during the evening. It's a small cute little place located off Amerige Ave in the heart of Down Town Fullerton, California. Their were a few other art shows going on at the same time, but Chads definitely was the most punk rock with Chads exhibit titled "Blessed Are The Peacemakers" By Chad Sengstock. Capturing something that not a lot of people have seen or been a part of, let-a-lone get it all on film. Shooting the music scene for over 14 years starting at the underground Christian punk/Hardcore scenes, Chads passion for photography really showed tonight at the Studio 138. The photos presented tonight were pulled from over 30 shows all over Orange County throughout a 4 year period. At The Studio 138, Chad presented about 25-30 photos so we hope you enjoy them too by checking our Chads website. Here are a few bands that were featured in tonight's art show.
Tippers Gore
Bad Reaction
Broken Needle
The Imposters
Thought Process
Thank you Chad for the years of hardwork and amazing photographs.
If you would like to see more photos check out:
Chad Sengstock
I Shot Photographybr><