Support on Kickstarter! - Who Killed (Or Saved!) The Music Industry

Written by Big Smile Staff

Support on Kickstarter! - Who Killed (Or Saved!) The Music Industry
support on kickstarter! - who killed (or saved!) the music industry
Posted 4 months ago, Nov 8, 2012, by Big Smile Magazine Official Writer Pageand Alyssa Hawley.

Featured Artists: D.R.U.G.S.; Greek Fire; Story of the Year; Genre: Alternative; Pop; Punk;

Let’s all get real for a second – when was the last time you bought a CD or merch from an artist? Now, when was the last time you spent 5 or more dollars at Taco Bell? What if I told you for $1 or less you could help fund a documentary about the Music Industry, the same industry you support when you buy (or destroy when you steal – shame on you) your music? Go to Kickstarter and give these guys a chance to talk you into supporting their cause: making a documentary filled with your favorite bands deciding who killed (or saved!) the music industry.

Kickstarter has been around since 2009 and its goal is to fund creative projects that have to do with art; no “fund me” projects will be seen here. Every time you “back” something on kickstarter, which means to donate, your money will fund a something real and tangible that you will receive later as well as a slew of other benefits for donating in certain price brackets.

Backing this cause will earn you many incredible prizes. On this project you can contribute as little as $1 or $15 or as much as $50, $100, or $3,000! Ryan Phillips and Adam Russel from bands Story of the Year, D.R.U.G.S., and Greek Fire have spent about 10 years making documentaries, videos, creating music, and supporting the music industry. They want you to know that music is more different now than it ever was; from how we listen to our music, create our music, and even share our music. If the video on the campaign has cameo appearances from big names in the Punk, Pop-punk, inde, rock, alternative, grunge, etc. scene then I could only imagine how star-studded the documentary will be.

I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and I’m also sure if you’ve read this far you’re interested. Please visit the website and please help out as much as you can to get this good cause up and rolling.

I’m not here to convince you to empty your savings, I’m just trying to ask you to support a cause you care about – music. Ryan and Adam are wanting to create a documentary for you about music, which might be yours (or my) favorite thing. Please donate, there isn’t much time left!

UPDATE : Project is fully funded with 17 hours to go!

-Alyssa Hawley



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